Junk Removal in Brooklyn, NY
We make it easy to get rid of old junk in Brooklyn!
Lightning Junk Removal makes junk removal in Brooklyn easy for you!
- Removal. We just need to know what goes, then we’ll do what it takes to get it out of your way.
- Cleanup. Our crew can take the big stuff, but they’ll also gather loose debris and sweep up when necessary.
- Hauling. Then we’ll donate, recycle, or appropriately dispose of your old stuff.
What We Do
We provide the junk removal services that Brooklyn residents and businesses need most!
Local Pros
Lightning Junk Removal isn’t just another spoke in the franchise wheel. We’re locally owned and operated in the Bronx and we proudly serve your Brooklyn neighborhood and many other locations across the Greater NYC area.
- Invested. As NYC locals, we’re invested in serving the people in our community.
- Personal. This isn’t just another business for us, this is our home, our work, and our community.
- Keeping it Local. When you support our small business, you’re keeping your money close to home.
Call Now!
It’s never been easier to hire a professional for junk removal in Brooklyn!
- Call 718-737-7161 any day of the week!
- Contact us to request an appointment.
Same day and next day appointments are available!
What Are You Looking For?
Junk Removal Scheduling is Quick and Easy!
Just call 718-737-7161 or email services@lightningjunkremoval.com for Your Instant Services Quote Today!